Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm starting over. I'm starting a new blog. . . but I'm not sure why. Lately nothing much has been happening; but if I start to write perhaps I'll realize that there is something going on in my life. Sometimes it seems that life stops and that is where I seem to be at the moment. I've relocated from Florida to Utah and it has taken 3.8 years to do so. I still don't have the home I thought I would have, but I have a roof over my head. Each time I try to start something new, I hit a door or a wall. The next thing I do is sit down, think about it and try to figure out where to go next. If it sounds like I'm lost I'm not, just puzzled. Each morning I wake with a new positive outlook, but by nightfall I seem to be puzzled and discouraged again. Have we made the wrong decision in coming to Utah? I don't think so, but the plan seems to have stopped and now we're trying to figure out why. Sometimes all you can do is wait, especially when things seem to be out of your hands as far has having any sort of control. So I'll just wait. . . . and see where we go from here. Blegh!!!! I'm a take charge, in control person so this is the hardest time of my life. Maybe there is going to be something drastic happen in the market. Maybe that's why we keep getting stopped each time we set out to spend our all ready and waiting money that is in the bank doing nothing but collecting a tiny bit of interest. Maybe . . . . . . ?????

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are blogging again. Thanks for your post. I feel like this too sometimes. I wonder when things will work the way I had always dreamed they would. Sometimes its hard to wait for things in the Lords time, when I want it now and would give anything to have it now. Thanks again for your thoughts. Love, Lisa
